You May Be A Changeling Player If...
You may be a Changeling player if...

... You know EXACTLY who at your work place is 'Banal' and what their rating IS.

... You don't care if you ARE over 26, you're sure you are still a wilder at heart... SOME HOW :)

... You hope to Chyrsiallis any day now.

... Your Significant other found the 'Ardent Suitor/Bashful Beloved' stuff charming at first, later cute, but now wants you to 'cut the crap out or else'.. you assume of course, that your 'beloved' is simply testing you again... *G*

... You refer to your group of Friends as 'My Motely!'

... You feel guilty for breaking the 'Seelie Code'.

... When no one was looking.. you once tried a bunk.. just to see if it would work. (I wouldn't recomend the Red Cap bunks...they hurt alot).

... The quiet Librarian who whispers a lot, now really, really scares you.

... You wonder if the opposite sex is even remotely turned on by goat legs? Nah...

... When ever you drive by a small town called 'Arcadia', you drive through and begin searching for a silver path somewhere.

... You're convinced that you've actually met a Crashing Bore (autumn people reference).

... You have EVER walked into a game store and reorganized the Changeling books to show that crappy picture on the spine.

... Your house looks like a 3 year old lives there, and you have no children.

... Visiting the art museum, you wonder if burning a painting will help with that cantrip your character was going to use.

... Your arrested for trying it.