You May Be A Hunter Player If...
You may be a Hunter player if...

... You visit new age shops in an attempt to purchase stakes and silver.

... You cant work out why priests look surprised at your request for holy water.

... Upon entering your house, guests are hit by a falling piano. As you and your ST are being taken into custody, he turns to you and says "I told you LARPing a fanatic defender was a bad idea".

... You start walking down dark alleyways at midnight, in the vain hope that the forty kilos of concealed weaponry under your trenchcoat might actually pay off.

... You have researched in depth the legal definition, and can recite the history of every case regarding to, the phrase "self-denfence." To this end, you have mastered martial arts to the point where you can kill a man, but not quite enough to incriminate you should this happen.

... Goths tend to run whenever they see you.

... You can't understand why one player in your group won't turn up anymore... after all, he deserved to be staked when he played a Sabbat in that crossover last month.

... You have personal spoken with Elvis in the last week... but you'll argue all night with anyone who claims he's still alive.

... You sat through "The Sixth Sense" annoying everyone in the cinema by screaming "HIPPIE F***ING INNOCENT!"

... Your gaming group _will_burn_ any player caught reading GM only material.